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Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Vegan MoFo: Wedding Foodz Part 2

If you're wondering where part 1 is - that was last year during MoFo when my other friend got married!

So Saturday was my friend's wedding. Those of you who are friends with me on facebook will have already seen the pics and look out in few weeks for the make up pics over on my beauty blog! But back to the important stuff - the food!

The hotel my friend got married in apparently had a chef who boasts a michelin star. Having said that, the vegan food wasn't especially exciting or inventive - but then from chefs it tends not to be. However it was pretty tasty.

For a starter, I got onion soup (it needed salt!)

The main was really good though, it was a squash with loads of roasted veg and marinated tofu, with potatoes and carrots.

The dessert was predictably a fruit salad. Not very creative but tasty nonetheless!

The next morning in the hotel, everyone had full english brekkies. But although they had soymilk, there wasn't a right lot of choice for me. I had cereal and toast and jam. So when I got home I made myself a vegan full english for brunch. Birdseye potato waffles, fried mushrooms, realeat facon, linda mccartney sausages and spaghetti hoops. Oh and HP sauce! It was pretty freakin rad I must say.



  1. I've seen your photos on fb and you looked GORGEOUS!
    That English Brekkie needs to be in mah tummy.

  2. Yu-um, Good Brekkie!! Well, all the food at the wedding looks really tasty and the portions look half decent - we went to a wedding in February where the omni guests got two Barnsley pork chops each plus veg for the main while we got a miniscule veg tart with some fronds of lettuce!

  3. It looks like the wedding meal was pretty reasonable :)

    I want that full english too! It looks great, and so waffley versatile! It's rare for me to see a cooked breakfast without *evil* baked beans. I do like canned spaghetti in my brekkie though :D

  4. Spaghetti hoops for breakfast. You have opened a whole new world to me.

  5. I bet your full English breakfast... brunch kicked the other one's butt!

  6. I feel like all comfort food is trumped by a full english. And now I want one.

  7. the veggies and marinated tofu looks good.
    what's up with the fruit salad? that's all they can come up with - really?

  8. Just came across your's so nice :)

    I've got one too :

    Have a great day,

  9. That waffle you made looks fantastic!

  10. Too bad about the wedding food, but it looks much better than the fare at the weddings I've been to. And the breakfast - oh my.

  11. Vegans get so shafted at omni weddings most of the time. My bf and I have discussed before what we would serve at OUR wedding (someday, like a zillion years from now) and his POV was that we should serve some meat for the omnis so they feel "comfortable" and my POV is "oh come on, are you freaking kidding me? It's OUR wedding not theirs, and vegan food is just FOOD - regular food - that happens not to contain animals products...nobody should be eating meat at every meal or every day anyway! They should be thanking us for the fabulous vegan food!" Haha...I think he's coming around to my POV, though.

  12. wowza!
    I want the breakfast!!!


speak to me, yo!