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Monday, 21 September 2015

Vegan MoFo 2015 - Day 21

"What 3 endless food supplies would you take, if you were to be stranded on an island?"


1. Peanut Butter
2. Jam
3. Bread

PB&J for EVAHH!!

Not my pic, borrowed from the interwebz!

Sal xXx


  1. Good one!
    I think bread is essential, and aside from the great PBJ, you could use the peanut butter for all sorts of other yummy stuff too.

  2. Classic!
    Can I borrow some of your bread for my avocado and peanut butter? Otherwise I will have to be grinding grain and making flat bread. Sounds tricky.

    1. Totes. I might have to steal some of your avo though! :)

  3. Oh, I see you enjoy the sandwich that I invented! Nice to see that I've contributed something good to the world! :D

    1. Yes, I cannot thank you enough for your invention! Without it, being stranded on a desert island would totally suck!


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