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Tuesday 15 September 2015

Vegan MoFo 2015 - Day 15

"OMG, Barack Obama is coming over because he knows you make awesome vegan food! What are you going to make?"

You know what, I think Barack would much rather see what delights the Surrey/Hants border has for him in the way of cuisine.

So I'd take him for a cheeky Nandos! He could get a soy veggie burger, in a wrap, with chips and macho peas!

Then on the way back to the train station (pretty sure Barack would be happy to train it!), I'd buy him a bag of co-op custard donuts!

Don't ever say I'm not generous!



  1. You can't go wrong with Co-Op donuts especially the custard ones! Did you see Hasta La Vegan's post the other day where they put day old ones in a waffle iron? The Nando's looks good. I've never actually had one. I'm intolerant to some chillis so I've always been a bit scared to try one. Are they super spicy?

    1. No but that is genius!! I'm gonna go look.

      They are quite spicy but you can choose the level. I usually get medium and that is quite spicy I think. But I'm sure you could ask them to leave off the sauce and it would be fine.

  2. Ah, those custard donuts! Accidentally vegan supermarket finds are the best, especially when they're in the bakery section.

  3. custard doughnuts!!!! i want a bag!

  4. I bet Barack Obama would love a cheeky Nando's!

  5. Forget Obama! I want to come visit and eat all that yummy stuff! Minus the peas, Obama can have the peas. :D

    1. The peas are the best bit (ok they're not but they're delicious!)!

  6. Brilliant. We decided we'd take Obama to a local brewery for a beer and the best vegan food truck going.

  7. I am so sad because I was just in England in June and went to the co-op 3 times at EVERY time they were out of the custard ones! At least they had the jam ones!


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