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Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Vegan MoFo 2015 - Day 2

Today's theme is "Recreate a meal from your childhood".

I did struggle with this theme because my mum is a good cook but doesn't necessarily enjoy cooking that much, so I was thinking of things she would make me as a kid. When I'd been ill I wanted mince & tatties. Sometimes a boiled egg & soldiers.

Then I read about The Vegg and thought I'd give a boiled egg a try. I had all these elaborate ideas of making an egg shaped concoction with soymilk and agar! Aside from the fact that would probably be gross, it would have to be served cold. Blahhh.

So I went with a fried egg instead, something else I always liked in my pregan days.

The white is a circle of firm tofu, that I cut out with a cookie cutter.  I literally sprinkled it with a bit of black salt and fried it for a couple of minutes on each side, in a hot frying pan sprayed with a teeny bit of olive oil.

The yolk was the Vegg, made up as instructed (for one egg yolk) on the packet. I microwaved it for 10 seconds though before pouring it onto the white.

My only regret is that I didn't make two! Because this was lovely and it really did remind me of a fried egg. It's been almost 8 years since I ate a fried egg, but it is what I remember the taste to be like!  So now I just need to try and recreate my old favourite hangover breakfast of a runny fried egg & bacon sandwich! Must get some veggie rashers! :)



  1. Very impressive! I've just bought some black salt for the first time and am going to attempt an omelette first. I'm very intrigued by the egg yolk on this though, maybe I'll be bold enough to give it a go!

    1. The Vegg does make it super easy, just mix it and heat it (if you want to)!

  2. That looks amazing!!! I've been avoiding trying The Vegg because I didn't know what to expect but it sounds like it hit the spot.

  3. I love the Vegg but nowhere near me seems to sell it anymore :( I shall have to purchase some online. Your fried egg looks ace!

    1. I've never seen it in shops near me either, so I got it off Amazon.

  4. The Vegg is also available from the company, where once in a while I give a free cookbook to those who purchase The Vegg Vegan Egg Yolk.

    1. I have the cookbook (I bought it!) and can attest to its wonderfulness!

    2. Just ordered it from the company site, Rocky. I'm super intrigued to try it - as I've never had an egg yolk before.

  5. I wanted to make dippy egg and soldiers too but couldn't figure out how! This looks ace though, I'm deffo buying some vegg from amazon now. I do miss a fried egg sarnie from time to time.

  6. i remember a neighbor making us the fried - egg toast combos. something i totally have been meaning to veganize!

  7. Love the Vegg!! I used it to make vegan fried eggs a time or two. Of all the things I miss, fried eggs are definitely at the top of that list. Used to love me some fried eggs. But tofu eggs are pretty awesome!

  8. I was thinking about doing something similar. I adored fried eggs as a child, mostly because of the toast-and-yolk combo. I've been keeping the Vegg yolk in my pantry since it came out a few years ago - it really is like egg yolk. I love it.

    We make tofu eggs with yolk frequently, but we've always been too lazy to shape our tofu and put the yolk in the middle. This looks brilliant!

  9. That looks so good! I made yolk once with the Vegg to dip soldiers into, but it kind of freaked me out a little, so a nice fried tofu round seems like a good way to mix it up a little.

  10. That looks so yummy! The tofu looks so pretty all round and perfect. The bread with all the little seeds in it is calling my name. Mmmm, carbs! I have not tried the Vegg yet. I must get on that!


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