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Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Vegan MoFo 2015 - Day 1

It's September! That means it's MoFo time!!

This year it all works a little differently; rather than coming up with themes or winging it, there are official prompts that everyone will be following.

I won't lie, I'm not hugely struck on this idea, I'd rather do my own thing. Some of the prompts I will probably skip, so I doubt there'll be 30 posts this MoFo. However I will do as many as I can do.

Also, if you don't see a post here on any one day, check my instagram as I'll be using that to participate on some days too!  My instagram username is sal_on_toast

Anyway, onwards with today's prompt, which is: "Rise and Shine! It's MoFo time! Tell us about your breakfast."

I have a smoothie pretty much every weekday for breakfast. But that's boring so let's look at the breakfast I ate on Sunday, when Mr A & I spent the day in London. We parked the car at Westfield Shopping Centre in Shepherd's Bush and as we were walking towards the tube, with the intention of finding food in Camden (I had Cookies N Scream on my mind.... don't worry, we went there later and pigged out!). In Westfield, we spotted a Le Pain Quotidien.  I blogged about breakfast in the one in Amsterdam, last year, when I had an awesome Tartine. They didn't have the same one on the menu but I actually ended up going for a breakfast platter instead.

LPQ marks all the vegan options on the menu with a little carrot so it's easy to see what's vegan already; they also tell you when something can be made vegan.

This is the menu, although I actually can't see what I had on there.

Here's what I got. It was a quinoa tabbouleh, with a couple of types of hummus, mashed avocado, rocket with pesto dressing. It came with tonnes of GREAT bread, a hazelnut flute (flute shaped bread studded with hazelnuts and raisins), some fruit bread, some fruit salad and a berry parfait.


I dunno what was in that parfait but it was gorgeous. It seemed to have mashed banana in and was quite sweet. The topping was (I think) buckwheat groats which I'd not tried before but there were soooo good. Gave this the perfect crunch.

I also got a match tea latte made with almond milk. I was excited for this, as I bought some matcha powder recently to try making these. Unfortunately I thought it was grim! Ah well, I guess I'll save the powder for smoothies! :)

So that was my breakfast on Sunday. Makes today's green smoothie seem a little sad in comparison.



  1. Unsweetened matcha lattes are the worst! So bitter! You should totally try a soy one from Eat or make one yourself at home but with a pump of vanilla syrup or something.

    1. Even with sugar it was gross. But I won't rule out trying one from somewhere else!

  2. That latte looks really strong! I had one recently from Le Pan when I was in London and it definitely didn't look so dark, wonder if they were a bit enthusiastic with the matcha? I love the look of that breakfast platter. Wish we had a branch in Manchester.

  3. Yeah there was loads of tea around the top of it and it smelt really strong. It was horrible. So maybe they just put in too much.

    The platter was awesome though.

  4. I loooove LPQ! I haven't been able to visit one since we lived in LA, and I miss it bunches. Also, I agree with Jojo on trying the matcha again with vanilla. I think it's a key ingredient to making them delicious :)

  5. i so want a berry parfait now!

  6. That breakfast platter is serious business! I especially approve of the hearty selection of breads.

  7. The only bad thing about fancy breakfasts is that they make your normal ones look so sad! That looks like a real feast, I've never been to LPQ.

  8. What an epic brekkie feast! I love that they include something sweet to finish off the meal.

  9. That breakfast kicks my coffee-and-scone-breakfast's butt! Too bad about the grim matcha tea latte thing. I've never had matcha anything because I'm afraid I won't like it at all! :)

  10. I keep walking past Le Pain Quotedien and thinking 'oh, should go in' but never make it. Clearly, I need to haul myself inside and find one of those beasts of a breakfast. Any time is the right time for that parfait.


speak to me, yo!