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Monday, 7 September 2015

Vegan MoFo 2015 - Day 7

"Make / eat something inspired by a book or a film"

I was gonna go with 'Cornetto!' from Shaun of the Dead, as we can now get THESE babies. However, for some reason, the scene from Pulp Fiction where Vincent & Mia are in Jack Rabbit Slims popped into my head and I thought, yep, I want a 5 dollar shake. Especially now that I have my Nutribullet to smush it up in (I refuse to believe they are for healthy stuff only!)

"Did you just order a five-dollar shake? A shake? That’s milk and ice cream? And that costs five dollars? You don't put bourbon in it or anything?"


"Just checking."

So here is my idea of an pretty good shake; it's probably a smoothie really because I've tried to make it a bit healthier than a regular milk & ice cream shake.

I didn't have any ice cream, so I used frozen bananas and some ice cubes to make it frosty. So in it, it had:

About a tablespoon cacao powder
1 frozen banana
6 or so ice cubes
almond milk
a glug of maple syrup
a few drops of peppermint essence

I thought it was nice (not exactly ice cream and oreos but still tasty!) but Mr A thought it was gross hahaha. He HATES blended bananas.

I topped it with some fizzy soy cream and a sprinkle of cacao powder.

I dunno if it's worth 5 dollars but...



  1. Your shake looks pretty dang good! Hey, I love the name of your blog! My son is toying around with veganism and he ordered a gyro the other day and asked them to swap the meat for some french fries.....he said they totally did not understand....thought he was from another planet.... kept asking him to repeat his order. Of course the sandwich was awesome.

    1. Chip kebabs are one of the greatest things ever! No weirdness there! :)

  2. That looks great. I like the idea of using peppermint. I used to make a chocolate milkshake a lot that consisted of soy milk, Swedish Glace, Bourbon whiskey and bourbon biscuits. I'd forgotten all about it!

    1. Err yeah that sounds way better than mine! :) I was super tempted to put chocolate & peanut butter in instead, I must admit!

  3. But, Mr. A, blended bananas are tasty! :) Beautiful shake! I like all the cream on top.

    Those strawberry and vanilla cones look so yummy! I wish we had those here. *sadface*

  4. I hope you will to a vegan Cornetto someday - that sounds brilliant!

  5. i need one of those right now to beat the heat!

  6. Ha, if I could get a vegan milkshake for five dollars here I would call it a pretty good deal. ;) Eating out in Australia is expensive.
    Looks good though!

  7. Awesome Shake and post! Like the movie connection, too!


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