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Sunday, 5 October 2008

Vegan MoFo: Bakin' hot

I told you there'd be baked goods and here they are!

I made my own bread - no packet mix this time and I'm so excited about it too. To tell the truth it's a bit sad how excited I am! I used this recipe, only I replaced the honey with agave and used 400g wholemeal bread flour and 100g white bread flour, instead of half & half - next time I might use all wholemeal. Also I followed the instructions on the side of the yeast jar to activate it before adding it to the flours.

I baked it for 25 minutes so it's still nice and soft and it rocked for dinner with some pasta.

My baking experiment didn't go exactly as I planned (more on that in a bit) so I made a crumble to use up the plums and strawberries in my fridge, before I go onsite on Tuesday. It rocked.

I cut up 4 plums and about a cup or so of strawberries....

Put into a dish and then rub 100g of vegan margarine into 150g of plain flour. Add 100g of oats, 70g of sugar and a pinch of salt. Then sprinkle it on top and bake in a preheated 190C oven for 45-60 mins (took 55 in my oven) until lightly browned.

I served with a splosh of soya cream but the leftovers will be eaten with custard tomorrow at my parents' house!

Onto the failure - my pecan toffee apple muffins. Well I say failure but they're not that bad. The flavour is awesome but the texture is wrong. I want to try these again really soon though because I think they have the potential for greatness! So recipe is pending tweakage.

I made these for part of the brunch I made for myself and my two friends this morning along with bran muffins, tofu scramble and roasted potatoes - that I stupidly didn't take pictures of!


  1. those muffins look so good! so does your bread, i really need to make some homemade bread one of these days!

  2. What a gigantic and beautiful loaf of bread!
    Your fruit dessert looks dreamy! And whatever was wrong with your muffins, they look to me like they've already achieved greatness level! :)

  3. that bread looks awesome! i love homemade bread. and those muffins look beautiful!

  4. The blue plate in your toast shot looks just like my plates!

    Glad your bread turned out. I can't get bread to bake in my oven for the life of me. I blame it on a crappy Japanese 'oven'.

  5. man, Sal - you're much more brave than i will ever be. i kinda suck with baked goods and i don't think i could ever experiment with them! sorry the pecan toffee apple muffins had a weird texture, they look soooo tasty - and perfect for October! mmmmmmmmmm! your loaf of bread is perfect! it looks so soft & scrumptious! it's really pretty, too! yay!

    i would have never thought to make a crisp using plums & strawberries - i bet the combination is awesome! 'cause it looks awesome! this i'm gonna have to try! yay!


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