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Thursday, 30 October 2008

Vegan MoFo: Soy Excited!

I know - Groan!

Just a quick post tonight to show off my new soymilk maker that arrived today - YAYAYAYAYAY.

I am so excited to make my own soy milk and I got a free tofu press and coagulator so I can make my own tofu! YAY!

No food to post today as I went out for a thai meal with my parents and forgot to take pix! Shame too cuz it was uberrad!
Proper post tomorrow - last one of MoFo - :(


  1. How super cool!! YAY for making your own tofu! I've been wanting to get a soymilk maker but I don't know if I would really use it. Are you going to show us how to make tofu with your super cool soymilk maker?

  2. That is way awesome. I am both happy for you and super jealous. I will get me one of those.

  3. YAY!YAY! YAY!!!
    God I'm excited for you - been after one of these babies for a while.
    HAVE FUN!!

  4. Happy soy milk making!

  5. aaaaaaaaaahahaha! "soy excited" made me giggle - thanks, Sal! hooray for a soymilk maker! that is so AWESOME! oooh - and you can make your own tofu now?! sweet gloriousness! i can't wait to see all the yummies you create! yay!

  6. Wow, that is an exciting gadget! Very interesting to hear how the tofu making goes - people keep telling me how much nicer it is fresh

  7. So cool, I want a soymilk maker.


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