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Friday, 24 October 2008

Vegan MoFo: 20 MoFo'ing posts!

I got to 20 MoFo posts! huzzah!! What the eff is goig on with blogger and the pictures - I've edited this bitch about 10 times and the pics still look funny! ah well.

I was planning to make canneloni tonight, but instead of being a good girl on my day off and doing housework and going to spinning class, I sat on my arse and watched Californication and Entourage instead. So I needed something that was a bit less of an effort for dinner.

I went for some tvp mince and mashed taters. Easy, quick and pretty good. I also learned that gravy browning has to be mixed with water first and can't just be sprinkled into to hot mince as you get gross brown lumps that you then have to spent 10 minutes picking out with a spatula if you do that! grr.

I had some buttercream left from the viennese whirls so I HAD to make some more biscuits! I used a recipe for shortbread that I found on get sconed, only I had to use 3 cups of flour not two - as it was way too soft to roll out. I think it's because the margarine I use is a lot softer so next time, I'm going to try cutting the margarine by a third and see if that helps.

I also added some lemon zest and lemon extract to the dough and cut them out as butterflies. I added some lemon zest to the buttercream and some ground ginger and sandwiched the biccies together. They are super YUMMO and were perfect with a coffee.

Cooking to: AC/DC - Black Ice (did I mention I got AC/DC tickets for April? HURRAAAHHH)


  1. Congrats on your 20th post! Those cookies look delicious. I'm glad to hear they turned out so well despite how difficult they were to roll out.

  2. ac/dc tickets - fuck yeah, Sal! rock on!

    i have totally done that before with gravy - picked out some lumps o' powdery stuff. it is frustrating, but your mince & mashed taters look damn tasty, indeed! i looooove me some Entourage - hooray for watching that instead of spinnig class! i love it! and the cookies are just too cute, and too tasty look'n. fo 'sho!

    congrats on your 20th MoFo post! wahoooooooo!

  3. AC/DC NO WAY!!!!
    I would SOOOOO go and see them! How freaking awesome would that be.
    Don't you use Bisto Gravy Granules? The Onion and Favourite are both Vegan. So is the Chip Shop Curry sauce as well...
    YAY! For your 20th post.

  4. Those butterfly cookies are super cute!

  5. Jeni - I used bisto graving browning which is vegan but I didn't realise any of the instants were as well - thanks! I'll have to get some next time I'm in the supermarket.

    AC/DC - I know I've wanted to see them for years and they're finally touring and I was lucky enough to get through before the tickets sold out! YAY!

  6. For a quick meal that all looks delicious!! mmm... shortbread...

  7. Such pretty little lemony butterflies! Why do we have to have 5 servings of veggies a day, and not 5 servings of shortbread? Wouldn't that be nice!

  8. I'm hooked with potatoes and peas.
    Those cookies are super cute.
    I don't really want to talk about picking lumps out of gravy, peas me off.


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