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Monday, 6 October 2008

Vegan MoFo: Loop-de-loop

I had loads to do tonight to get myself ready to go onsite tomorrow so tonight's dinner had to be quick. So I roasted up some veg and served it with some lemony couscous. mmm mmm.

I quite like Autumn because it means I have an excuse to make spicy warming soups. One of my favourites is curried parsnip but I didn't have any parsnips so I had a root (geddit!?) around in the fridge and came up with some butternut squash. I bought the BNS ages ago and only used half of it, so I froze the rest. Squash can be a bit stringy when you freeze it so it's good for soups if you're going to blend them, like I did.

This (plus an ear of sweetcorn that I forgot to put in the picture)....

Became Spicy Butternut & Sweetcorn Soup:

1 small onion
A couple of tsps of olive oil or low fat cooking spray
About half a small squash (270g ish)
1 small sweet potato (about 150g)
1 medium potato (about 185g)
500ml (2 cups) stock (I used a tub of fresh stuff that I had - impulse buy!! - but stock cubes and water would work)
Few sprigs of thyme
A clove of garlic
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 tbsp nooch (optional but awesome!)
1-2 tbsp soya cream (optional)
Salt & pepper
1 ear of sweetcorn

Saute the onion in olive oil or cooking spray and a pinch of salt, for just a few minutes.

Chunk up the veg and add it in (or grate the potatoes if you prefer - I like to chop). Add the stock, leaves of the thyme (I throw in the stalks too and just retrieve them before blending, spices, garlic and a good pinch of salt & pepper.

Bring to the boil and then turn down and simmer for 20 minutes, covered.

Blend the soup and then add the soya cream and nooch and test seasoning (I found I needed quite a bit of salt as my stock didn't have any salt in it).

Add the sweetcorn and stir well.

I add loads of pepper because I love it but just add a pinch if you want a more subtle hint of spice. Awesome with a hunk of homemade bread! :)

Cooking to: Evolution - I loves me a bit of David Duchovny!!

I have managed to borrow the work's dongle (hehe) to take onsite so I should be able to keep mofo-ing from my hotel room, although the entries might suck!!


  1. Ooh that perfect-for-cool-weather soup with a nice slice of the whole wheat bread you posted the other day! That would melt the snow off any snowman! :)

  2. That soup sounds yum!
    Didn't realise you were a Brit - can I ask you something - are Waitrose Lemon Puffs vegan?

  3. Jeni - good question!! I'm pretty sure that Morrisons' ones are and so are their cheapo digestives (not the regular price ones though - weird) and their coconut rings are!

    I have to go into town at lunchtimes so I'll pop into waitrose and find out the answer for you! I hope they are cuz I love lemon puffs.

  4. that's one fabulous look'n soup. butternut squash + sweetcorn = deliciouness, indeed! mmmmmmmmm! gotta love a spicy soup to keep you warm! hooray!

    your roasted veggies look awesome! i'm loving the cauliflower the mostest! and lemony couscous?! yes please!

    i puffy heart me some David Duchovny - it's his bottom lip. gets me every time! ♥ tee hee!

  5. more soup! yay!

    and your couscous looks very similar to the couscous i made last night. though mine was minty, not lemony. yum!

  6. I have a butternut that needs to go in a soup -- I love the sounds of this recipe...


speak to me, yo!