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Thursday 2 October 2008

Vegan MoFo - Mock-a-doodle-stew

Lame title. I'm sorry.

Today I had PMT - the angry kind and work sucked so I was fighting the urge to put on Rage Against the Machine and sing FUCK YOU I WON'T DO AS YOU TELL ME! at the top of my voice. I went with plan B instead - chick flick and comfort food. Plus angry PMT has turned to lameass teary PMT - I cried twice while watching the Sex & the City Movie!

I love a good stew and when I saw the Barefoot Contessa's show yesterday I knew I totally had to steal her idea! (This recipe.)

Ingredients (approximates as I didn't measure anything):
2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion
3 tbsp margarine
3 tbsp flour
2 cups ish stock (I used the faux chicken stock I cooked the seitan in)
1 clove of garlic
1 cup of chicken seitan (I made my own and more on that at some point during Vegan MoFo!)
small handful finely chopped parsley (about a tbsp)
leaves from 2 sprigs of time
1/2 cup peas (actually it was prob nearer to a cup - my hand slipped!)
2 carrots


Peel & chop the carrots and cook them in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Saute the onion in the olive oil for 5 minutes, then add the margarine and turn heat down low. In a separate pan, gently warm (don't boil) the stock. Once margarine is melted, add the flour and stir well, cook out flour taste for a minute or so. Slowly add the stock, bit by bit until you have a lovely thick smooth sauce.

Add the garlic and thyme, stir and cook for a minute or so then add the seitan, veggies and herbs, stir well, turn down low and cook with a lid on for 5-10 minutes. Serve with sprinkle of fresh parsley, dumplings and mashed potato! YUM.

I baked the dumplings / biscuits and just put then on the stew for the last 5 minutes. But I made a booboo! I just used the recipe on the side of the Atora packet but I use plain flour instead of self-raising and forgot to add baking powder. DOH. So they were more like hockey pucks than fluffy dumplings but hey, it's been that kind of day.

Cooking to: the Sex and the City Movie!


  1. Perfect comfort food! That looks so good!

  2. mmmmm total comfort food. yum!

  3. Comfort meal 101! Awesome, my kind of meal.

  4. Your Mock-a-doodle-stew looks delicious and very comforting!

    Hope you're feeling better! :)

  5. haha cute name! it looks absolutely creamy and delicious :D *hello, biscuits!!* haha

  6. Lame = comedy gold for me.

    That meal though is pure comfort food. I'd love to be eating that on a blizzardy, cold day.

  7. ha! i totally understand as i was in the same state last week and watched 2 episodes in a row of sex in the city and cried. why is that? oh well. your stew looks amazing and so comforting. perfect!

  8. That looks so good. I had comfort food last night too. Now I'm hungry for what you made. I love the name you gave it!

  9. sweet shit that looks glorious, Sal! and yeah, i cried a bunch during the Sex in the City movie, too! it's cool! :)

    mock-a-doodle = a rad name! yay!

    i can't get over how awesome the stew looks! mmmmmmmmmm!


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