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Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Vegan MoFo: I don't understand how a heart is a spade but .....

Somehow the vital connection is made... BOOOO! Ahem, sorry about that little trip back to 90s britpop there.
So I'm sitting in my crappy hotel room and I can't face the restaurant here. Premier Inn only ever has one thing on the menu I can eat - with a modification that is - and it sucks anyway. So now I come prepared and I stopped at the supermarket on the way for some fruit, samosas, lemon puffs and some tortilla chips. I even remembered tea bags for once, hotel freebie tea is always mingin!

I'm working on some pics and tips for hotel survival for another post later in the month but for now, here is a little pic of my hotel foodz. Brought to you courtesy of my workmate's mobile broadband - SLOWEST AND SHITTEST CONNECTION EVER!

As you can see from the pic, I have my lovely boys of Supernatural to keep me happy for the next few nights so I'm off to watch a couple of eps before bed!


  1. YUM! Take that stingy, veggie un-friendly hotel!

  2. Ahhh premier inn- I used to stay there about once a week with my old job. What do you eat? Is it the olive and tomato gnocchi? Yum!

  3. boo for the lack of tasty vegan options at your hotel!!! but i'm love'n all the tasty yummies you picked up! hang in there, Sal! :) and i look forward to the hotel survival tips. dan and i have yet to travel overnight being vegan - and we could really use some tips! thanks!


speak to me, yo!