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Thursday, 16 October 2008

Vegan MoFo - Cranberry Orange Cornbread

My last attempt at this cranberry & orange cornbread didn't go so well, but I tinkered and I tweaked and I got it right this time!!

Here it is straight from the oven. I dug out a big wedge before it was even cool enough to turn out because I was starving and it smelt so good!

I took out the spelt flour and oatbran from the first incarnation and replaced them with regular plain flour, but I do think that wholemeal flour (or half and half) would work too. I also added a bit more sugar than I normally would to cornbread as I just think this recipe needed it.

I added lots of cranberries because I love their tangy sourness - but feel free to cut it back if you would prefer a more scant fruityness! Oh and I'm a donut cuz I didn't seive the orange juice, which means my cornbread has orange pips in! hahah, not that it affects the flavour but they're not so good to bite into, so seive 'em out!

Cranberry & Orange Cornbread
Wet Ingredients:
1 cup / 250ml non-dairy milk (I use light soya)
Juice and zest of a big fat orange
1.5 tbsp sunflower (or other light) oil
1 tsp orange extract
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Dry Ingredients:
115g / 1 cup plain flour
1 cup fine cornmeal (I didn't weigh - sorry)
1.5 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp allspice
3/4 cup dried cranberries (again I didn't weigh but 1/4 cup = 4 tbsps)
4 tbsp / 1/4 cup sugar

Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F.

Combine the wet ingredients and whisk well, set aside.

Combine the dry ingredients (except the cranberries) and mix well. Separate any cranberries that have stuck together and toss then well in the dry ingredients (a coating of flour helps stop them sink to the bottom).

Give the wet ingredients another quick whisk and then pour into the dry. Mix until just combined so you don't overwork the gluten.

Pour into a cake tin, lightly sprayed with sunflower oil and bake for around 35 minutes, until the top has risen, gone slightly golden and a knife comes out clean.

Leave to cool in the tin for about 10 minutes and then turn out onto a wire rack to cool.

Cooking to: Black Stone Cherry - Folklore & Superstition

I don't have any pics of tonight's dinner as I went to my parents' and my mum cooked me an AWESOME butternut squash and chickpea curry, that seriously rocked. But as usual, I did pudding. My dad loves fruit pies and crumbles so I did a crumble. Pear, mango, raspberries and nectarines with a splash of maple syrup. I used the same crumble topping as in this post but I added a pinch of allspice and about 1/4 dessicated coconut.

Before going into the oven....

The fruit!

We had it with hot soya custard


  1. WOAH! That Corn Bread is begging me to bite into it!
    I'll watch out for the pips though!

  2. Gimme!! You could probably get me to do anything if you wave a piece of cornbread in front of my face.

  3. That cornbread sounds so good. I love the combination of cranberries and orange so imagine it must make this cornbread amazing.

  4. Crumble season has begun in earnest up here, and that one just looks lovely!

  5. hooray, Sal! i was waiting for the cornbread recipe - it sounds perfect for fall. maybe even as a tasty side for thanksgiving! mmmmmmmmmmmm! i love all the cranberries in there. delish!

    your crumble, as always, looks super stellar! that's so awesome that your mom made such a tasty chickpea & butternut squash curry! it was so nice of you to return the favor with your delicious crumble!

  6. wow, never heard of the cranberry/orange combination for cornbread, but it sounds pretty good. (& creative).

  7. that cornbread looks seriously amazing! thanks for the recipe.


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