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Saturday, 4 October 2008

Vegan MoFo: Saturday Night I feel the air is getting hot

Gah, I still remember the dance to that stupid song!

Well it's saturday night and I'm sitting on my couch watching Harold & Kumar. It's sad isn't it.

But it's the weekend - hurray - and I intended to start it off with french toast, but there was a problem with that plan - I had no bread. So pancakes it was instead. With maple syrup and some mango sauce which was just some tinned mango whizzed up with a bit of the juice from the can and a splosh of soya cream. YUM.

Lunch was awesomeness - Coronation Seitan (recipe at the end of this post).

I used to love me some Coronation chicken back in my omni days and I've tried it with seitan before and it's sucked royally - excuse the pun. But I think that it was just a clash of flavours, this one worked magically!

Not that I think anyone needs a tutorial on a sandwich but I was bored so I took some piccies!

First take a wrap of your choice and put some slices of cucumber in the middle:

Then spoon the seitan on topFold in the bottom of the wrap

Fold in the sidespull a daft face and then scoff!

Coronation Seitan
1/2 cup / 125ml soya yoghurt
2 tbsp mayola (or vegan mayo of your choice)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp salt (depending on how salty you like)
1 tsp curry paste*
2 tbsp mango chutney
About a cup of chicken style seitan cut into smallish chunks

Mix together yoghurt, mayo, curry paste and salt until smooth. Then add the mango chutney and check for seasoning. Mix in the seitan and serve.

This will make 2 or 3 sandwiches and makes awesome filling for baked potatoes (that's tomorrow's lunch :) !!)

*I used 2 tsps cuz I like it spicy and extra curry-ish!

Onto dinner..... veggie paella, which rocked socks.

This was super easy. Just gently fry half an onion, sliced into thin half moons in a bit of olive oil. Add 1/2 a green and half a red pepper and some sliced mushrooms and cook for a couple of minutes.

Add 1/2 cup of aborio rice, 1.5 cups of veggie stock, 1 tsp of saffron powder (or turmeric if you don't like the flavour), 1 clove of garlic finely chopped, the leaves of 2 sprigs of thyme (I throw in the sticks too and just take them out when it's cooked), a good pinch of sea salt, a pinch of black pepper and 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika. Mix well, bring to the boil and turn down. Cover and cook on low for 10-15 mins until rice is tender. Add 1/2 a cup of frozen peas and cook until peas are done. Check seasoning and serve.

Baked goods tomorrow! :)


  1. Your eyes are piercingly beautiful Sal! :)

    Those pancakes just gave me a heart attack!! Thanks for the seitan and that awesome looking paella recipes!

  2. coronation seitan sounds awesome! i've never had the omni version... but yeah. yummo sammich. your paella looks good too. i've tried making paella before and it was a huge production and didn't taste that great (i think i may be weird and not like saffron! meep!), but your recipe looks nice and simple.

  3. Coronation Seitan!!!
    You are a GENIUS!!!
    And you have such pretty nails too.

  4. mango sauce?! mango sauce?! OMG - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! what a tasty way to start your saturday! your veggie paella = perfection! and the coronation seitan looks rock'n too, Sal! it's fun to see you in the shot enjoying all the yumminess! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


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