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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Vegan MoFo Day 10: Taco Tuesday

Yes I know that it's Wednesday but this was last night's dinner and apparently I already used the post title I was gonna use, like 4 years ago!  Dammit.
So this is what I came up with, with some of that lovely veg I bought yesterday.  I decided to keep it really simple, just mushrooms, green pepper, pinto beans, sweetcorn and onions.  All sauteed up with a little bit of cumin, paprika, oregano and some jalapenos out of a jar. Oh and some tomato puree.
The tomatoes I bought were far too red and lovely to be cooked so I just chopped them up and put them on top with some lettuce.  I served it with plain old brown rice.
I took a pic of the bowl of fixings, as it's really not easy to get photos of filled tacos:

Close up of the filling


Shove in face, YEAH!

See ya tomorrow!


  1. Yeah, that "shove in face" photo. It's amazing, and made my morning.

  2. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who likes a taco in a hard shell every once in awhile. Looks great!


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