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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Vegan MoFo Day 31: What I ate yesterday

It's the last day of MoFo and Halloween but I don't have anything spooky for you I'm afraid.

Instead I have a 'here's what I ate yesterday' post for you.  My friend Jojo has been doing these this MoFo and I love reading them.  So here's mine.

Breakfast was a new cereal (new to me anyway) that I found in Sainsburys. They have a couple like these are labelled vegan. I also got the maple & pecan crisp but I haven't opened that yet.
Unfortunately cereals like this are quite caloriffic and heavy, so you don't get much for your 50g! It was tasty though.
I had a bottle of OJ when I got to work
Lunch was a wholemeal roll with chickpeas salad in (chickpeas, mayo, sweetcorn, salt & nori flakes). The roll was still warm when I bought it on the way to work and it smelt sooo good. I love fresh bread.
I also had a packet of snack a jacks, which I'm a bit addicted to.

Mid-afternoon snack - some fruit!
And dinner, a marinated grilled portobello mushroom, steamed green veg, corn on the cob and some pasta with a quick noochy sauce.

And so endeth MoFo. It's been great blogging frequently again and I don't even feel that burnt out, maybe because I was too lazy to think of a theme! hehe.



  1. Thanks for the shout out! I'm totally doing this today unless I get my shit together for a Halloween post! I had one of those cereals for breakfast too, the one in the purple box. I had it with an Alpro Cherry yoghurt & it was super yummy!

  2. YUMMY FOODZ SAL! Well done on all your MoFo'ing, I sooo missed participating this year but my work load just wouldn't allow it.

  3. We made it! We conquered the MoFo! I also don't feel very burnt out at all, which is always a good sign. Your grilled mushroom with corn, veggies, and saucy pasta looks so forkin' good!

  4. I wish I ate all that today, especially the roll... although your dinner seems totally perfect.


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