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Thursday, 11 October 2012

Vegan MoFo Day 11: chickpea cutlets of radness

I decided not to go to the gym last night, as I'm going to be away with work from tomorrow night over the weekend, so won't really have a night to myself for a bit.  And because of this I decided to spend a bit longer making dinner. Also I thought my attack class was tonight and it was actually last night! haha oops, that's a fine I'll have to pay next time I book! :(
Anyways.... I went with the chickpea cutlets from Veganomicon.  I don't make these that often because I always think they take ages to make, but actually if you have all the ingredients, they really don't take that long at all.  I always bake them, I've tried frying like it says in the book but there is ALWAYS gluten strings inside when I've fried. And uncooked stringy seitan makes me wanna barf.  So oven it is.  But that's good because it gave me time to prepare and cook some mushroom gravy, broccoli, mashed potatoes and green beans.
The gravy was suuuuper easy.  Just sauteed up about half a cup of mushrooms with a shallot and a clove of garlic. Then added about half a cup of veggie stock and some thyme.  To thicken I mixed about a tablespoon of flour with a couple of tablespoons of soymilk, I added this in then stirred till it thickened.  I also (of course) added some nooch! A couple of tablespoons.  Quick, easy and yummy.

Leftovers make a great sarnie for lunch the next day by the way!

I also had a bit of an experiment fail, but I'm trying it again, so that is a blog post for the future! 

Making cookies tonight - YAY.



  1. Uncooked stringy seitan is so disgusting! I think it might be time for me to make some chickpea cutlets. Baked!

    Good luck with your experiment!

  2. I haven't had them in ages, but I love those chickpea cutlets!

  3. I was planning to do the chickpea cutlets, baked, for US Thanksgiving this year! It's funny you say they take forever, because I planned to make them for the simple reason that they're so quick and easy.

  4. I still haven't made those chickpea cutlets! Your gravy sounds delish' too, maybe don't work this weekend, come to mine & make me food instead?!

  5. The chickpea cutlets are so good! You're right that it always seems like they're going to be a lot of work, but they're not much more effort than making falafel. I've never tried frying them, because everyone who has tried it always says that baking is better.

  6. I'm making me a few of those this weekend. Cheers for the inspiration. Now show me those cookies too!

  7. I wish you were packing my lunch tomorrow!

  8. That looks really good! I want to make that gluten-free, else I'll turn groggy for several hours. :(

  9. I shouldn't be looking at this an hour and a half before lunch. I won't make it and of course I forgot to bring lunch anyways.

  10. Those cutlets are just so good. I haven't made them in quite a while, but this is a good reminder!


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