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Tuesday 30 October 2012

Vegan MoFo Day 30: Saucy Chickpeas

I can't believe it's almost the end of MoFo already!  I don't think any of my posts were especially inspiring this year, haha, but it has been great reading everyone else's blogs. I totally forgot how much inspiration blogs can provide for meals.

Case in point, yesterday's dinner.  Coronation chicken used to be a big favourite of mine in my pregan days and since going vegan I've made it with tofu and seitan, but never did I think of using chickpeas, like I saw over on the veghotpot blog yesterday.

I thought this idea was genius so I decided to make my own version.  I didn't add any dried fruit, mine was just about 1/4 cup of soya yoghurt, 1 tsp of korma paste and 1 tbsp of mango chutney, plus a bit of salt.  I added half a tin of chickpeas and served it over a baked potato.  It was awesome!

See ya tomorrow for the last MoFo post.



  1. Yum! this is the sort of thing I would make for myself when hubby isn't home for dinner!

  2. That's a great idea, it looks yummy!

  3. Hi Sal! Don't think I've been to your blog yet, so was glad to find you in the 'Fo feed!

    Love this dish, korma paste sounds YUM, do you make it yourself or buy it?

    Vegan Fazool Blog
    MoFo 2012: Homesteadin' it in October!

    1. Dawn, I used shop bought paste (Pataks), but I've made it before with powder that I made myself and it works fine.

    2. Thanks!! I bet Wegmans has it!

  4. I've never heard of coronation chicken, but it sounds delicious made with chickpeas!

  5. This is actually a great idea. I only ever heard of Coronation Chicken after seeing sandwiches in the London Pret-a-Manger--but being veg, I just looked.

  6. I've never heard of coronation chicken, but it sounds delicious made with chickpeas!

  7. Yum! this is the sort of thing I would make for myself when hubby isn't home for dinner!

  8. I haven't a clue what Coronation chicken is but saucy chickpeas are always win.


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