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Monday, 8 October 2012

Vegan MoFo Day 8: Hangover Foodz

I am a bit rubbish aren't I! Not blogging at the weekend.  Saturday I just didn't have time and yesterday I was hungover.  I made a half-arsed attempt to blog on my phone and then gave up because frankly it was too much effort.
The trouble with being hungover is that my culinary 'skillz' are generally reduced to smash and mushy peas.  Yesterday was no different really, so I chucked a Redwoods Cheezly pizza in the oven.  However, my mum had cooked some potatoes for her and my dad so I decided to fry some up with some pepper and onions to go with the pizza.  Whilst doing this inspiration struck and I added herbs, paprika, loads of nooch and some soya cream.  They turned out saucy and delicious and I'll definitely make them again.  Maybe next time I'll even write down a recipe!



  1. Redwoods Cheezly pizza? Dang. Want.

  2. That looks like some great hangover food!

  3. No weekend blogging for me either. I like your hangover foodz! The potatoes look creamy and tasty - recipes are for wimps! :P

  4. Haha! I eat stuff like that when I'm hungover too....lots of ramen noodles and french fries.


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