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Monday, 1 September 2014

Vegan MoFo Day 1

Oh my god it's MoFo time again, already!!  I love this time of year; I love taking part in MoFo and seeing everyone else's themes and posts. I also always discover new blogs during MoFo so I'm excited for that too.

My plan this year is to post every day in September; I don't think I've ever managed that so we'll see if I actually do this year! :o)

I have two themes this year: I'm veganising recipes from Jamie Oliver's 15 Minute Meals and I'll also be recreating some of the filthy dirty sandwiches that I used to eat* in my pregan days (*drunk usually - you'd have to be to eat some of them). So get ready to be appalled at my grossness.

I thought I'd start off MoFo with a picture of a cupcake; I made these for my friend's birthday this past weekend. They are the golden vanilla cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World and the icing is just plain old buttercream with pink food colouring and Sainsbury's strawberry flavouring added. I tried to do that fancy double coloured piping thing, which was a huge kerfuffle, but I'm glad they came out ok. I also topped them with a mini party ring, as these are now vegan. YAY for no more superfluous gelatine in biscuits.

Happy MoFo'ing!



  1. Pretty cupcakes! Looking forward to your MoFo posts; your themes sound great! :)

  2. I love your nails!

    And I totally need to get some of that strawberry flavouring, I've never seen it before but I may be flavouring everything with strawberry from now on...

  3. Yay! Happy MoFoing babe!! Your cupcakes look perf'.

  4. Nice themes. The Jamie one is a great idea and I always need sandwich ideas. I'm hoping to sneak a bit of beer reviewing into my theme so they'll come in handy ;)

  5. Great themes and I love the party ring cupcakes, a great way to celebrate the removal of gelatine!

  6. I love your themes! Can't wait to follow along

  7. cool nails, sriracha!!! and cute cupcakes! lovely!

  8. The cupcakes look lovely, and I can't wait to see some of your sandwich creations!

  9. I can't wait to be appalled by your grossness!

  10. Beautiful cupcakes.
    I can't wait to see these sandwiches you speak of. :)

  11. Happy Mo Fo'ing Alien, those cuppers look rad! I'm so happy those biscuits are now vegan cos I used to love them :)

  12. YAY! I'm so glad you're playing! Jamie Oliver's Food Tube is one of my favorite youtube channels, and I used to watch one of his shows on Netflix until the assbutts removed it from their catalog. Can't remember what it was called - he used to go shopping for ingredients and then went back to "his" flat to cook for a guest or two? I looked it up but google is not helping me. Anyway, I'm excited to see how you veganize Jamie's recipes! And bring on the sandwich grossness!

    Your cupcakes are so cute, Sal! You mastered the double piping thing. Happy MoFo! :)

  13. Ah, yes. The show was called Oliver's Twist.

  14. Cool picture with the sriracha! Can't wait to see your weird sandwich, I'm sure they will be inspiring to me.

  15. Love the theme, veganising Jamie is a great idea and the sandwiches sound really interesting, I am really curious what they are!


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