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Monday, 22 September 2014

Vegan MoFo Day 22: Cupcakes (again!)

Hello people. It's Monday again and Mondays are poo. So here are some cakes to brighten up your day!

I made these for work as they were raising money for charity and asked for volunteers to bake.  I was the only one that volunteered apparently. But hey, any excuse to spread the vegan cupcake love.

These are vanilla cake with strawberry icing and a mini jammy dodger

And chocolate with mint icing and a mint fondant choccy on top
The lighting was terrible which is why the icing looks yellow when it was actually a fetching shade of minty green!



  1. those are cute! i have never seen mini jammy dodgers - so precious!!!

  2. I love to volunteer vegan baking for anything. :)
    These look beautiful

  3. You've done a great job with those, and well done being the only one to make an effort - I'm guessing it was a MacMillan coffee morning? We've had a ton of those where I work.

    (I hope this doesn't come out as a duplicate comment, I seem to be having trouble with posting),


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