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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Vegan MoFo Day 10: What I Ate Wednesday

It's Wednesday again, so time for another What I ate Wednesday.  

Starting with my juice this morning; which consisted of a beetroot, a couple of carrots, a hunk of cucumber, a hunk of ginger and a pear!

 I was too lazy to make a smoothie so I had pb & jam on toast. Also I had Bergen bread which is the good shit.  I know that is dirty peanut butter but it's what I found first in the pantry!

My mid-morning snack was a chocolate orange nakd bar and a cuppa

Lunch was soup and a leftover coconut bun from yesterday's dinner! (BTW they are good the next day but are basically stodgy stodgeness!)

This was the soup I had; I prefer homemade to tinned but this was also really good.

I also had a diet coke, mainly because I actually found one with my name on! That never happens because I have such a common name! I try not to really drink diet coke in the week because otherwise I drink WAY too much of it!

I also had a bag of hula hoops! haha not the healthiest day ever.

Mid afternoon snack was a banana - it was only mildly scabby so I ate it!

Dinner was a really quick curry made with red lentils, grated carrot, korma paste and some coconut yoghurt (among other ingredients).  And brown basmati.  Easy and tasty.

Later on I will probably have a smooze, as I did last night whilst catching up on Banshee!

That's all for today. Happy humpday!



  1. Is that finger jam? does it taste good? I love all things ginger.

    1. Heehee sorry I'm giggling at your typo. Mmmm finger jam haha. Yes it's ginger and it's good although it's super sweet!

    2. Finger jam oh dear hahahaha I'm not the best typer :p not sure "finger" jam is allowed in vegan MoFo...

  2. Oooh I like those Amy's soups for when I can't be bothered to make my own. There's a barley one that's my fave' right now.

  3. I normally eat the 'good' type of organic only peanut peanut butter, but lately I have been craving that so called 'dirty' peanut butter like it is going out of production. Kraft peanut butter sandwiches galore!

  4. The ginger jam looks interesting. I can't help when I make a pb & jam sandwich to singing "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" whilst making it.


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