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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Vegan MoFo Day 16: Veganising Jamie

Tonight's recipe from Jamie Oliver's 15 minute meals is one that I've been fancying ever I first watched the episode where he made it. I love soup and I love nachos. WIN!  Also, I thought I might actually be able to manage this in 15 minutes* because it's so simple. This recipe was already vegetarian and I only had to make a couple of dairy swaps to make it vegan.

(*I didn't!)

Mexican Tomato Soup
Recipe Link: It's not on Jamie's site, but someone has posted the recipe HERE.

Actual Time Taken: This took me just under 19 minutes from when the ingredients and equipment were all out and ready.

My Substitutions
- I subsituted soya yoghurt for dairy yoghurt
- I substituted some vegusto mild cheese for the feta
- I subsituted Violife cheese for pizza for the cheddar

This was yummy and easy.  I loved the crispy cheesy nachos that went along with it and the toppings. My tortilla chips were a little saltier than I'd like but overall they were great.  I fed this to my Dad, Bro & Sis-in-Law and if we hadn't scarfed the leftovers, it would've comfortably fed mum too!

My favourite part was the jalapeno/mint yoghurt! Damn this shiz was good! I'd make that again to go with any Mexican inspired dish, it was awesome!

So, the cheese....
I bought this when I was in Infinity in Brighton at the weekend (seriously, if I lived in Brighton I would be bankrupt and it would be that shop's fault!!) and it was great.  It was a son of biatch to get out of the packet but it tasted very mild and it melted beautifully. Can't wait to try it on pizza!

Hope you're having a good week!



  1. Wow, looks v.impressive. Love that you've put it all out on a board like our jamie! I'm enjoying your mofoing :)

    1. Thanks! :)

      When it comes to veganising Jamie, it feels only right to include a board!! haha

  2. Only a few minutes longer than he said? Nice job! I always require at least an hour longer than they say :)

  3. I definitely could eat that. I haven't had a tomato soup in a long time.

  4. Oh, looks yum! Did you add the mint in with the jalopeno yoghurt? (The recipe you linked to doesn't mention the mint in the directions, so I wasn't sure if it went in with the yoghurt or was a garnish to the dish.)

    1. Hiya, yes that's right the mint goes into the yoghurt with the jalapenos and a bit of the jalapeno vinegar! :)

  5. I wish we could get violife here.
    I agree with Chan, love the presentation, very Jamie.

  6. This looks great!! I want it and not just because you seem to have managed to find the holy grail of perfect looking Avocados!!

    1. I hate to admit this, but that avo was rock hard like a spud! I couldn't get the stone out at all, which is why only half of it was on the board!! haha. Although it was actually ok once it was in the soup.

  7. I've never thought about combining tomato soup with nachos, that looks REALLY good.


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