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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Vegan MoFo Day 28

I know that today is supposed to be sandwich day but I felt crappy and just couldn't do it. I'll bust it out soon for you though cuz it really was gonna be a good gross one!
So here's a pic of my dinner instead ... an impromptu chickeny casserole and loads of mash. My dad makes the best mash.


  1. That's okay for no sandwich on sandwich day, because this casserole looks delicious! :) Love mashed potatoes..

  2. Sorry you are not feeling great. Mashed potato always makes me feel better, so hopefully it has helped you out too.
    I look forward to hearing what this gross out sandwich will be!

  3. Mmmm casserole. Want! Hope you're feeling better today babe?

  4. That mash does look excellent indeed. I hope you're feeling better today!


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