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Saturday, 13 September 2014

Vegan MoFo Day 13: Soup and a toastie

I was hoping to give you an awesome soup recipe today but alas, it was a bit meh! This was dinner the other night.

Sweetcorn chowder inspired soup and a cheezly and tomato toastie. And some salad and mayo with a tonne of Franks in!!

Hope you're all having a good weekend. I'm off to brighton to hang with Jojo and eat dirty sandwiches! Yay!!



  1. I love soup with grilled sandwiches or jaffles. I have a sandwich press and a jaffle maker depending on my mood, lately I have been stuffing anything I have leftover into jaffles. So good.

  2. You and Jojo are killing me with those yummy toasties! Soup and a grilled cheese sandwich is such a good combo. And your soup bowl is so cute!


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