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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 4 - All this restaurant food is gonna make me a bit Postman Pat!

Alright Treacle!

We decided to escape the hotel again last night and after a very short walk, we found an Italian restaurant near our hotel.  As with most Italian restaurants, the vegan options were limited to 1 - penne arrabbiata*.  Which I'm ok with because I quite like arrabbiata, I just wouldn't want to eat it every day.  *I googled that spelling so hopefully google hasn't lied to me!

So here it is in all it's oily, spicy glory.  It was not bad at all and had a good amount of chilli in, but not over-powering.

Tonight we're eating at the O2 before a trip to the cinema.  So tomorrow will be vegan delights of the O2!!

Kat Slaters

Cockney translation of the day
Kat Slaters = Laters
Postman Pat = Fat


  1. Hi - Just to let you know Las Iguanas at the 02 have a separate vegan menu - you have to check it online! Have been a couple of times and the staff seem to get what vegan is!

    1. Ooh, yeah, Las Iguanas is really good. I've only ever been to the Newcastle location, but they have loads of vegan options.

  2. This week seems to be going a whole lot better than I'd imagined. I was hoping for pictures of you cooking up a supermarket own brand pot noodle in your hotel room, haha!

    1. I know. Normally I get shoved in a Premier Inn with nothing around it except the hotel restaurant and I have no choice. But there's a couple of restaurants here. Even if they're nothing special... still better than premier inn 'food'.

  3. I love penne arrabbiata... I have yet to make it at home, but I often order that at Italian restaurants, when I'm lucky enough they don't use fresh (eggy) pasta.

  4. Hey, at least that's a nice-looking arrabbiata! The worst is when you get it and there's barely any sauce, so you've basically just paid for a heaping pile of dry pasta. Mmm-mm-good.

  5. That actually looks pretty damn good! Score!

  6. Looks nice and saucy, seems like so far not too bad for the trip. Looking forward to the next post, sounds like next dinner is going to be good!


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