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Monday, 30 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 30 - Tom & Dick

So I had a wicked weekend away with my gals, having some Britneys, putting on crazy makeup and dancing to 80s music.  The fact that I'm now sick in bed with lurgy means I don't have much for my last MoFo post.  So here's a few pics of some of the food we took with us when we went away.

I was gonna cook up some Linda McCartney sausage rolls but I couldn't find any in the 2 supermarkets I went to. So I grabbed some ready made puff pastry and made a tempeh filling and made my own.  Not great enough to give you a recipe but filled a gap.

Straight outta the oven

I did the cooking Thursday before we went away and I gotta say it was an evening of fails. I made some muffins that I overmixed - badly. They came out like hockey pucks so had to be binned.

Also, I had planned to make some tabouleh but it wasn't until after I'd poured the water over the bulghur wheat that I realised I didn't have the other ingredients to go in it! Doh.  Luckily my bff made a bean salad and so we mixed the 2 together and it was great.

I also made us the rocky road cookies from vegan cookies... and a veggie curry for Saturday night - both of which I forgot to take pics of. I suck, I am sorry.

Anyway, I've had a great time posting (almost) every day during MoFo. Thanks to everyone who read and commented and it was great reading so many new blogs as well.  MoFo always makes me super inspired to blog more but it doesn't always work out that way.

I am gonna try though but I also want to get my makeup blog back up and running and rededicated to just vegan makeup/beauty products.  So if you're into that, keep an eye out here for a link when it's ready to go again.

I'd also like to thank this website for providing me with lots of giraffes and helping me come up with post titles for MoFo.

Kat Slaters

Cockney Translations of the day
Tom & Dick = Sick
Giraffes = Laughs
Britneys = Britney Spears = Beers


  1. I've enjoyed reading your MoFo posts, and trying to figure out what on earth the slang meant before I got to your translations at the bottom. :)

  2. How did I miss your final MoFo post? I think your big sausage roll log looks awesome. And I've been there with the hockey puck muffins from hell. Some days we're just not meant to be in the damn kitchen!

    PS: Curly is dressed as "Spudnik", like Ross!


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