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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 19 - Jockies' Whips

I don't really like this post title,  not very vegan is it! But I couldn't find anything that relevant. Funnily enough there's no rhyming slang for polenta.

So here's last night's dinner; part awesome, part cheater stuff I pulled out the Bacardi breezer!  I found me a fry's burther and some granary rolls and defrosted those (that is Reggae Reggae Ketchup you see on the bun!).  While the burger was cooking I made some polenta and then poured it into small Tupperware to firm up.

The coleslaw was just single serving made of a handful of carrot, a handful of shredded cabbage, a teaspoon of vegan mayo and a tablespoon of soya yoghurt then a bit of salt & pepper.  The sweetcorn & beans just had a bit of salt, vinegar and sriracha on to make them less boring.

Then I cut up the polenta into fries and pan fried it in a bit of cooking spray just until it browned up a bit.  Man they were SOOOOO good. I need to do this more often.

Close up of the polenta jockey whips (sorry!)
And to make up for the post title, here's a little pic of me Postman Pat, who was looking very lost this morning, as Daddy Alien is away for a few days. She was just wandering around looking for someone to give her attention, I felt mean having to leave her and go to work!
Kat Slaters
Cockney translations of the day
Jockies' Whips - Chips
Bacardi Breezer - Freezer
Postman Pat - Cat


  1. Aw, poor Postman Pat! I want to snorgle her!

    Polenta is one of my favorite foods. It doesn't matter if it's just the mushy stuff or a nice fried up version like yours - I can never get enough of the stuff. Your polenta Jockies' Whips look super crispy and yummy! :)

    1. Don't feel too sorry for her. that adorable face barfed all over the living room floor yesterday. It was unpleasant!

  2. Adorable cat!

    Do you have a favourite type of polenta or recipe/technique to get it sliceable? I'd like to give those a go but don't have great luck getting it sliceably firm.

    1. Honestly I am probably not doing it right... but what I did for these was bring a cup of water to the boil, added a stock cube then slowly whisked in 1/4 cup of medium cornmeal. Then turn it down because that stuff volcanoes like crazy! Cook it stirring every so often for about 5 minutes and then add some nooch (a couple of tbsp.). By this point it was already quite thick so I just put it into a Tupperware and pressed it down. It was sliceable (but still soft so be careful) in about 5 minutes. Then I just gently pan-fried it for a few mins each side. HTH x

  3. Oh man, I thought Jockies' Whips was going to mean something verrrrry different.
    That looks really good. I love polenta in all variations, but chips might be the best.

  4. Aaah, your theme is so fun!

    I've never made polenta fries - chips! - but now I think I have to.


speak to me, yo!