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Monday 9 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 9 - Hank Marvin

I go home tomorrow! I go home tomorrow! I go home tomorrow! weeeeee.  Can't wait to get home, cook some food and dust off my dancing shoes for salsa class.  It's the little things I miss!

Anyway I was starting to think I wouldn't be able to post this today, as our internet connection has been utterly tom tit all day!  But I'm back at my hotel racing to get this done while it's still the 9th!

So here's a 'What I Ate Yesterday' post.

Starting with breakfast.  The vegan options in the hotel are limited so I've been eating my choccie granola.  But my workmates nagged me into getting out of bed half an hour earlier and meeting them and this morning I had a bit of a dirty brekkie of hash browns, mushrooms, bread, an apple (cuz you know, vitamins) and a nice cup of Earl Grey.  The mushrooms were FUCKING DISGUSTING. So bad.  Just watery tinned tasting pieces of brown evilness.  EUUGH.  The hash browns were good though.

I don't normally eat such a shitty breakfast so unsurprisingly I was hank marvin at about 9.30!  So I had a nekkid bar and a banana soymilk.

Lunch and I didn't really want a hummus Giorgio Armani (see what I did there?) for the 3rd day in a row. So I busted out my emergency supplies and made some bulgar wheat, opened a mini tin of beans and then all I had to steal from the rec room was some salad and hummus. Win. 

I had a bag of crisps in the late afternoon.

Then dinner was a veggie burger and chips. Again.  That's 3 this week!  Apparently this burger's vegan without the mayo and cheese but I'm not overly convinced.  Aside from the look of it, it reminded me a lot of quorn. But anywho, here it is. (Sorry about the flash-y pic, it was soooo dark in the pub!)

Then while I was watching celeb big brother, I ate a Mr Tom bar, which for those that don't know is basically peanuts & sugar and it is feckin delicious.  I forgot to take a pic though so here's an obnoxious empty Mr Tom wrapper selfie!

Hope you're having a good day whatever you're doing.

Kat Slaters

Cockney translation of the day
Hank Marvin = Starvin
Tom Tit = Shit


  1. How does someone fuck up mushrooms? Fools! I've never had those crisps, I might have to get on that!

  2. I hate tinned mushrooms, although I love fresh ones.

    I had never heard of banana soy milk before. Interesting.

  3. Just tell yourself that the burger was a VBites quarter pound burger. It kinda looks like it.

  4. Those mushrooms do look pretty sad. The veggie burger looks pretty good though!

    Peanuts and sugar! Awesome! :D

  5. I love Nakd bars so much! The berry and cashew flavours are my favourite.
    Mushrooms should never be from a tin... *shudder*


speak to me, yo!