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Friday, 27 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 27 - Robin Hood

OK Crossing fingers, toes etc that this publishes on Friday because I'm away having a few Britney Spears at an 80s weekend (my friend's birthday celebrations) and can't guarantee I'll have internet connection on my phone.

So can you Adam & Eve it, it's almost the end of MoFo and as dull as most of these posts have probably been, I've enjoyed it as much as I do every year.

So as tomorrow's post will be about some of the food we're taking away with us, today's is a little post of my favourite things / store cupboard essential type things.  Not gonna lie, I'm totally ripping of Jojo & Mandee who've done similar posts this MoFo.

Starting with .. Nooch.  It'd be wrong of me to leave this out and also to not put it first considering my love for this flaky, funky smelling jar of rad.  To some it up, Daddy Alien once asked me "what does that bring to a meal?"  I said, "Dad, it brings the AWESOME!" And that's all I'm gonna say about that.  (OK Forrest, move on!) I don't have a pic so I'm stealing one off the interwebz.

Next up, Fry's Chocolate Creams. These come in plain, Mint & Orange flavours and although they're not the bested vegan chocolate you can find (and also they have some annoying labelling which might make you think they're not vegan) they are generally the only vegan chocolate bar to be found it crappy little shops / garages etc.

Lazy Days Chocolate Ginger Truffle Slices. You can find these in the 'free-from' aisle of your local, better stocked sainsburys or waitroses and they are GOOD.  Fudgy and gingery. Yum.  They make a vegan millionaire's shortbread and also a chocolate orange slice and slices of tiffin. All of which I'll happily scoff.

Mushy Peas.  I totally used to be a Bachelors Mushy Pea kinda gal but the last few tins we had were sucky as hell, so we switched to Harry Ramsdens and they are just as good.  I like them best on a potato waffle or two. 

Speaking of, Birdseye Potato Waffles. Because they're waffle versatile.

Tea. I prefer Earl Grey to regular tea nowadays.  I bought it as a change one day and I'm now addicted to it.  I normally just buy supermarket own brands ones but the ones pictured are good too - I think my dad nicked them from a hotel! ha.

Broccoli. You might have noticed that broccoli features in the background of about 90% of my main meals.  I love it. Easy, quick to cook, tasty - what's not to love?

Jazzy. I know she's not food but isn't just so freakin adorable.  This is her "Why are you talking to each other - LOOK AT ME!" face. Or "Blue Steel" for short.

OK I'm outta here. Time to heat up the crimpers, put on the leg-warmers and start the Duran Duran blasting!

Kat Slaters

Cockney translations of the day
Robin Hood = Good
Britney Spears = Beers (my favourite phrase so far!)
Adam & Eve = Believe


  1. I love using potato waffles instead of bread for a sandwich!

  2. I just don't think that life could be lived if there was not nooch in it. Nooch is like magic sprinkles of joy that have been delivered to us by the vegan fairies.

    But cats are pretty much the most essential thing for life. Very nice pose there!

  3. Your cat is great. I love her expression in that picture.

  4. Dude! We tote's need nooch tattoos, we're obsessed!

  5. I guessed Britney Spears too! I am practically fluent in Cockney Rhyming Slang now. Thank you, Master Sal.

    I have a post like this coming up too (stealing the idea from Jojo, Mandee, and now you). Nutritional yeast always brings the awesome to a meal.

    Jazzy! I want to squeeze the fluffy kitteh!

    OK, I will let you and your broccoli continue with your snogging now :)

  6. Those mushy peas intrigue me. Are they like mashed potatoes, but with peas? I'm sad that I traveled around the UK for months, and I never ran across them.

    1. There's no potato in them. They are basically a type of split pea that are cooked a really long time. They are delicious!


speak to me, yo!