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Saturday, 21 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 21 - Quentin Tarantino

So pretty much on a Friday night, we don't wanna do much more than pop open a bottle of Quentin or 2. Which is what me & mum did last night once I got home for work.

So we went with a super easy tea of homemade chips, just cooked in the oven with a bit of rapeseed oil, salt & paprika.  We had mushy peas with it too and I had a chip butty because chip butties are awesome.

Hope you're having a good weekend so far!

Kat Slaters

Cockney translations of the day
Quentin Tarantino = Vino


  1. You can't beat a chip butty!
    I hope you put peas in it too!

  2. Mushy peas are great.
    Chip butties are fantastic - carb on carb amazingness.


speak to me, yo!