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Friday, 6 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 6 - Pony and Trap

So I'm traveling around today which means I have to do this on my phone with the blogger app. So this may well go all a bit Pete Tong!!

Last night I got the train home from London and by the time I got home, I didn't really wanna cook.

I looked in the fridge and there was some cooked rice and half a pack off Sainsbury's satay stir-fry sauce! We had no fresh veg really. So I defrosted a spicy seitan sausage and chucked in some peas.

I know you're probably thinking it looks kinda weird and I won't lie... it was. But it was oddly edible.

Have a good day!

Kat Slaters

Cockney translation of the day
Pony and trap = Crap
Pete Tong = Wrong


  1. Given that all ya had to do was defrost a sausage & throw some stuff in a pan this looks pretty great!

  2. Sometimes, thrown-together meals are the best - and this one doesn't sound bad AT ALL. (Doesn't look horrible either).

  3. That looks pretty good. Brown food is always best. It seems like the uglier the food, the better it tastes.

  4. Sometimes the meals that are quick and easy, using whatevs you have avail. are the best. Anything with satay sauce has to be good!

  5. Actually that looks pretty tasty, Sal. Sausage and rice are always a good combo!


speak to me, yo!