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Saturday, 7 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 7 - Itchy Ring

OK I'm still giggling at this post title, but come on, it's funny!

Last night after a travelling back to London I met my workmates in Canary Wharf and we went on the hunt for somewhere to eat.  They were not into trying Wagamammas, so we ended up in the Gourmet Burger Kitchen.

I know, not very vegan friendly but a recent thread on the PPK did enlighten me that there is an option, if you're ever forced to go to a GBK.  It's their falafel burger, you just have to have them take off the raita.

When they brought it out they had forgotten to remove said raita and much as I don't like wasting food and would normally scrape off something non-vegan rather than it be binned, that shit was all through it.  So I had to send it back.  The second time though it was fine and actually pretty tasty.

I would say, if you don't like spicy food, it comes with sweet chilli sauce so although it's not that hot, if you don't like chilli, get them to leave that out too.

I apologise for the supreme shitness of my photos, even by my standard, but the lighting was appalling in there. 

I had a side of skinny fries with mine and they weren't kidding when they said they're skinny!

Kat Slaters

Cockney translations of the day
Itchy Ring = Burger King


  1. LOL Itchy Ring.
    Did you make that up?

    1. I wish, I wish I did because it's hilarious. But no I didn't.

  2. Haha, I had a few different thoughts as to what this post might be about!

    We have regular BKs here, I had no idea they had gourmet versions, but I think it'll be a long time before we see any vegan options. It's great that if you really need something to eat, you can go there!

  3. Hey, you gotta find your food somewhere out there in the wilderness!


speak to me, yo!