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Monday, 23 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 23 - Arthur Fowler

I'm struggling for a post title so I decided to just pick one that made me laugh. 

I wasn't gonna post a pic of yesterday's dinner because it was another Sunday roast and very similar to the one I posted before.  But it was slightly different so here it is (same Seitan recipe, Vegan Diner chicken style roast, but this time with no tinkering).

Dessert and I had a Pudology vegan pudding.  I thought these were only available in Waitrose so I was excited to find these in Sainsburys.  I probably wouldn't have picked Banoffee but the other flavours were completely sold out!  So I'm keeping my eye out for the others.

Honestly I wasn't blown away by it. It was nice and I'm glad it was small because it was pretty sweet. Obviously I'll try the others for research purposes but to me it was not really worth the 290 something calories that are in that little pot.  Still a nice way to end a meal though. 

Kat Slaters

Cockney translations of the day
Arthur Fowler = Growler


  1. Oh, now I'm gonna have to go google Banoffee!

  2. Too bad the pudding didn't blow you away. I love the name though! I checked their website and the strawberry pudding looks so yummy!

    PS: Love your nail polish color!

  3. I loveee banoffee pie. Too bad that pudding wasn't as good. I think I had Pudology chocolate and it was good. I might be making that up.

  4. I want that pudding!! Even though it wasn't amazing for you! I love the packaging. I could also go a big plate of your dindins!


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