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Sunday, 8 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 8 - Giorgio Armani

Last night I had wine before dinner. Which means by the time my veggie burger was brought out, I forgot I was meant to be taking pictures!  So here is an uninteresting picture of an uninteresting sarnie!

My lunch today - hummus & cucumber sarnie and a can of coke!  hahaha. 

2 days left yo. 2 days, then I can cook some foodz!

Kat Slaters

Cockney translation of the day:
Giorgio Armani = Sarnie (Sandwich)


  1. That looks like my lunch except I had VioLife cheese slices & cucumber!

  2. That is the fanciest Cockney Rhyming Slang yet! Coke makes everything better. Amirite or amirite?

  3. Mmm, sammige! I hope the 2 days go quickly for you! I found it hard not to be able to make my own food while on hols, too


speak to me, yo!