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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 24 - Patrick Swayze

So when I'm feeling lazy or am in a rush (this happen pretty frequently and usually it's the former!) I bust out some version of what I had for dinner last night, depending on what I have in the fridge.

Basically it's just egg-free wheat noodles, they only take 5 mins to cook and I chuck a stock cube and usually some red or green thai curry paste into the cooking water. Then some chopped up veg and something proteiny like leftover tempeh, tofu or some beans.  Then add whatever I've got open in the fridge to cream it up a bit like some coconut milk, soya cream or yoghurt.

It's done and in the bowl in less than 10 minutes and it's usually pretty yummy.

Last night's was really basic:  noodles, red pepper, asparagus, broccoli and a bit of thai 7 spice powder and soya yoghurt at the end.  It was nice  but was lacking the protein element as I didn't have anything that went with it.  So I ate one of these Taifun pizza tofu fillets while I was cooking, which I LOVE.

Told you I'm lazy!

Kat Slaters

Cockney Translations of the day
Patric Swayze = Lazy


  1. Aw poor Swayze, he's not lazy! He dances so hard, and lifts her up so many times! And he SINGS!!! SHE'S LIKE THE WIIIIND!

  2. I wish we had those tofu pizza things here.

  3. Pizza tofu filets sound really good to me. And your noodle bowl too. I love noodles and don't eat them often enough.


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